Monday, 20 October 2008

Guardianistas - !Uglies No Pasaran!

Is it generally considered true that left wing = young and good looking or is that just my perception from looking at The Guardian? If you go to the website of this British left-wing newspaper Here you might think so. If you look to the far right column (they probably call it the center right column as there are no far right columns in The Guardian) you will see an advertisement for "Guardian Soul Mates" which aims to bring like-minded Guardian readers together, for, errmm, romantic purposes. Now The Guardian is about as politically correct as you can get and in the UK "Guardian Reader" or "Guardanista" is shorthand for a liberal, angsty, bean munching peacenik. Such people are of course distributed equally across the spectrum of human loveliness at birth but frequently pride themselves, through self mutilation, op shop cast offs and lack of attention to basic grooming, on just how little they care about such things. I am not saying they are ugly but, you know, they certainly appear that way.

So how come everytime I look at the website the photo in the Guardian Soulmates advertisement is of a young, attractive person with the picture taken in the "slightly from above" angle favoured by professional photographers trying to get the "natural look". Is it possible that The Guardian is deliberately seeking to misrepresent the attractiveness of the singles available in order to get people to click through, perhaps, in the misguided belief that their own general hideousness and sheep-like body odour will be overlooked by that young, left wing, beret wearing PPE major who is clearly only interested in their soul and not their looks?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Giles (it is you Giles, right?) definitely agree about the Guardian Soul Mates column! Looking forward to more pearls from the snaxmeister soon as.