Sunday, 2 November 2008

Official - it's an Obavalanche!

One of the interesting aspects of the late stages of the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election has been a reluctance by the punditocracy to call this as a knock-down 60-40 victory for Obama. 

Despite polls which show him not just leading in the blue and purple states but a few red ones as well. Whether it's a "knock on wood" or Bradley effect or vague references to a (so far) hidden racist backlash who knows. 

There has been a late move by the media to declare a late move to McCain and last minute need for the American public to reconsider their vote and buy more newspapers. I wonder if this will be the last election in which the treemedia figure?

By the time  Americans finish voting on Tuesday it will already be Wednesday lunchtime here in Bondi Towers but we promise to keep the result a secret.

(Update: Flugelhorns all round. I called it first)

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