Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Bushfire Survivor - Who Stays and Who Goes - You Decide.

Commercial news coverage of the bushfires in Australia have all the hallmarks of a branding exercise based on reality tv production values. I wouldn't be suprised if the following are happening:
  • production assistants interviewing survivors and firefighters for suitable stories
  • survivors auditioning to have their stories told
  • editorial meetings where potential stories are discussed and shortlisted
  • in depth interviews arranged with network talking heads
  • test audience to provide feedback to select final stories for evening broadcast

The purpose of news programs is not just to provide advertising revenue but as a platform for brand loyalty by emphasising the fake values of the monolithic corporate behemoth like "trust", "reliability", "family values" and "entertainment". Disasters and celebrity funerals seem to provide the perfect platform for reinforcing these values and building brand loyalty during the long lean times of the early stages of the football season.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your style. Outrageously true. Cynical. Dangerously straying from the middle of the road claptrap.