Wednesday 21 January 2009

Rupert Murdoch Lies To His Mother

In an interview in The Australian Dame Elisabeth Murdoch, the centenarian and mother of newspaper mogul Rupert Murdoch, revealed her misgivings about some of the family's more salacious publications like the UK based News of the World or New of the Screws as Private Eye calls it. It has been described as having small words, big headlines and even bigger tits. No wonder Dame Elisabeth, a woman of undoubted grace and civility is loath to be associated with it. But to spare his mother's blushes Rupert explained to her that it was practically a social service as it's readers had nothing else in their lives to do. Presumably except for watching illegal satellite football while smoking toxic weed on sink estates. The Lowest Common Denominator and Rupert is happy to drag even more people into it by lowering their expectations. Of course Rupert himself came from a humble background and dragged himself out of poverty to become a self-made billionaire. Except he didn't. He could hardly lie to his mother about that.

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